Online Letters

14th July 2023

Letter to parents 10Jul23

Dear Parent/Carer,

This week at NUSA:

Sports day on Friday was absolutely fantastic. We were blessed with gorgeous weather and excellent behavior. Records were smashed by our students and we were so proud of the way in which they supported their fellow house mates.

This week we welcomed Year 6 to NUSA in preparedness for their start in September. We were really pleased with the way our older students looked after the younger ones and showed them how we conduct ourselves at NUSA.

Next week at NUSA:

Next week we ‘roll over’ our timetable to the new September timetable. This is to give the students the opportunity to meet their new classes and get an understanding of their new timetable before starting back in the new year.

On Thursday we will be hosting our normal end of term rewards assemblies and can’t wait to see our students getting the recognition they deserve.

We will be holding our ‘Swap shop’ rewards next week, therefore, some students may be a little later leaving school at the end of the day whilst they collect their prizes.

I will write next week with details of our return to school in September.

We need your voice!:

We are running our next round of parental surveys. The closure date for the survey is 21st July 2023.

This time there is opportunity for 5 people to win an Amazon or Tesco voucher worth £25. All you need to do is complete the survey and enter your email address at the end to be included in our draw!

Free Or Cheap Eats Over Summer

Martin Lewis – the money savings expert - has put together a list of where children can eat free or cheaply over summer. Click here for full details, or see page 3 of this letter.

Free School Meal Vouchers Summer 2023

Nottingham City are providing us a voucher of £50 for each student, that is currently eligible for free school meals. This will cover the entire summer holiday. No further voucher will be issued for this holiday.

For all of those that received free school meal vouchers in the last holiday, you will receive another voucher for Huggg, to cover the break and will be sent to the same email address, you do not need to do anything else, relax. Completing the form again where you have received vouchers during the last holiday, will cause a delay in receiving vouchers this time, as it impacts the vouchers being processed. So please do not do this.

For those that are eligible, that did not receive vouchers or that have questions, please see the FSM Q&A at the end of this letter (page 2).

Coming up at NUSA:

End of term plans

Thursday 20th July – Rewards assemblies

Thursday 20th July – Achievers awards evening

Friday 21st July – Alton Towers for selected students

End of term Friday 21st July at 3pm.

Safeguarding corner:

This weeks’ safeguarding corner comes from the NSPCC, please take a look, it is detailed on page 4.

Have a lovely weekend,

Emma Howard



I received vouchers for May 2023 from NUSA – should I still complete the form?

No, please do not apply again where you received vouchers for May Half Term, you will automatically receive them for Summer 23. Reapplying will cause a delay in receiving your voucher(s). Rest assured, where you received them for May half term, you will be included automatically for Summer 23. Unless you have a different child now at NUSA, that was not in the previous holiday. In this scenario you should complete the form, but just for the child you need to add.

My child is not eligible for free school meals, should I complete the form anyway?

No, please do not complete the form in this circumstance as a voucher cannot be issued.

My child is eligible for Free School Meals, but I did not receive them from NUSA during May 2023, how do I receive them for Summer 2023?

Please click here and complete the form. Ensure you input all of your information carefully.

If I need to complete the form, when must I do this by?

Midnight on Tuesday 18th July 2023

What is the value of the vouchers?

£50, per eligible child.

I did not receive a voucher previously; can I receive historic vouchers now?

No, we only have vouchers relating to the upcoming break.

When will I receive the vouchers?

Vouchers will be issued before 12pm on Friday 21st July 2023.



Current Resources for;




Website location/link

Talking PANTS teaches children important messages, like their body belongs to them and they should tell an adult if they're upset or worried. Get the conversation started with an activity pack. 

You can download a free resource pack from the NSPCC website.

Talk PANTS the Underwear Rule


Support for Parents, where you will find


Positive parenting guide

Online Safety Hub for advice and information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing nudes, parental controls and more.


Keeping Children Safe Online

Visit our SEND Online safety hub for online safety tips, advice and activities specifically for parents and carers of children with SEND.

Online safety resources

We’ve created colouring in sheets, a family agreement, quizzes and a word search to help kick start your online safety conversations.

NSPCC Online Safety

Online safety advice

Our online safety work

Inappropriate and sexual behaviour

Worried about something online?

Online safety guides for parents

Resources for professionals

Resources for children

Resources for children with SEND

Help us keep children safe online

Keeping Kids Safe Online

SEND Online Safety Hub

Online Safety Resources

NSPCC videos on YouTube include the selection below.

Infant Mental Health with NSPCC

The Baby Show

We're joined by Clinical Psychologists for NSPCC who work with children aged 0-5 and their families. Here they are talking through Infant Mental Health, what it is and offering tools and advice to not only support your babies & toddlers, but also yourself and your own mental health. They have also answered some of your questions around the effects of lockdown on your baby and your mental health and how to stay positive during these times.

Look Say Sing Play

Right from birth, every time you talk, sing or play with your baby, you're not just bonding, you're building their brain.

Singing Day | Look Say Sing Play | NSPCC

Our Brain’s Air Traffic Control (Executive Function) | NSPCC

NSPCC Building Strong Brain Architecture

Infant Mental Health

The Baby Show - YouTube

Look Say Sing Play Support


Singing Day

Our Brain's Air Traffic Control

Building Strong Brain Architecture

Letter to Parents 17.01.2025Published 17/01/2025 Letter to Parents 10.01.2025Published 10/01/2025 Year 11 CountdownPublished 13/12/2024 Setting Year 9Published 12/12/2024 Letter to Parents 10.12.2024Published 10/12/2024 Letter to ParentsPublished 29/11/2024 Weekly Newsletter 15.11.2024Published 15/11/2024 Year 7 Progress EveningPublished 28/10/2024 Letters to parents 25.10.2024Published 25/10/2024 Letter to Parents 18.10/2024Published 18/10/2024 Letters to parents 04.10.2024Published 04/10/2024 Weekly Newsletter 20.09.2024Published 20/09/2024 Letters to parents 12.09.2024Published 12/09/2024 Weekly Newsletter 02.09.2024Published 06/09/2024 End of Summer Term NewsletterPublished 24/07/2024 Weekly Newsletter 19.07.2024Published 19/07/2024 Kooth Summer SupportPublished 19/07/2024 Weekly Letter 12/07/2024Published 12/07/2024 Weekly Letter 04.07.2024Published 05/07/2024 Weekly Letter 28/06/2024Published 28/06/2024 Weekly Newsletter 21.06.2024Published 21/06/2024 Weekly Letter 14.06.2024Published 14/06/2024 Weekly Letter 07062024Published 07/06/2024 Weekly Letter 24/05/2024Published 24/05/2024 Year 11 Exams updatePublished 20/05/2024 Weekly Letter 17.05.2024Published 17/05/2024 Weekly Letter 10/05/2024Published 10/05/2024 Year 8 Parents EveningPublished 09/05/2024 Weekly Letter 26/04/2024Published 26/04/2024 Weekly Letter 19/04/2024Published 19/04/2024 Letter for all parents 28.03.2024Published 28/03/2024 Weekly Letter 22.03.24Published 22/03/2024 Weekly Letter 15/03/2024Published 15/03/2024 Weekly Letter 08/03/2024Published 08/03/2024 Weekly Letter 01/03/2024Published 01/03/2024 Weekly Letter 23/02/2024Published 23/02/2024 Weekly Letter 09/02/2024Published 09/02/2024 Weekly Letter 29.01.24Published 02/02/2024 Weekly Letter 26.01.24Published 26/01/2024 Weekly Letter 19.01.24Published 19/01/2024 Weekly Letter 10/12/2023Published 15/12/2023 Weekly Letter 04/12/2023Published 08/12/2023 Weekly Letter 27/11/2023Published 01/12/2023 Ltr to Parents 20Nov23Published 24/11/2023 Letter to all Parents 13.11.23Published 17/11/2023 Ltr to All Parents101123Published 10/11/2023 Year 7 Parent's Evening 16/11/2023Published 09/11/2023 Weekly Letter 23/10/2023Published 27/10/2023 Ltr from HT Y11 231023Published 24/10/2023 Year 11 LetterPublished 24/10/2023 Weekly Letter 16.10.23Published 20/10/2023 Weekly Letter 13/10/2023Published 13/10/2023 Weekly letter 06.10.23Published 06/10/2023 Weekly Letter 29.09.23Published 29/09/2023 Weekly Letter 22.09.23Published 22/09/2023 Enrichment Opt-out LetterPublished 18/09/2023 Weekly Letter 15.09.23Published 15/09/2023 Weekly Letter 08.09.23Published 08/09/2023 PSHE Letter to ParentsPublished 05/09/2023 Letter to All Parents Return to SchoolPublished 01/09/2023 Weekly Letter 17.07.23Published 21/07/2023 Year 9 to 10 Moving UpPublished 20/07/2023 Year 10 to 11 Moving UpPublished 20/07/2023 Year 8 to 9 Moving UpPublished 20/07/2023 Letter to parents 10Jul23Published 14/07/2023 Letter for all parents 03.07.23Published 07/07/2023 Weekly Letter 260623Published 30/06/2023 Letter to Year 7 ParentsPublished 16/06/2023 Ltr to Parents 110623Published 16/06/2023 Work Experience Letter to Year 12 ParentsPublished 09/06/2023 Weekly Letter 09.06.23Published 09/06/2023 NUSA HPV Year 8 InformationPublished 07/06/2023 Ltr to Parents 260523Published 26/05/2023 Weekly Letter 15.05.23Published 19/05/2023 Weekly Letter 08.05.23Published 12/05/2023 Weekly Letter 010523Published 05/05/2023 Ivan Shaw Holocaust SurvivorPublished 03/05/2023 Weekly Letter 24.04.2023Published 28/04/2023 Ltr to Parents 21 April 23Published 21/04/2023 Weekly Letter 27 March 2023Published 31/03/2023 Year 7 Pupil Progress EveningPublished 27/03/2023 Weekly Letter 20.03.2023Published 24/03/2023 Weekly Letter 13.03.2023Published 17/03/2023 Weekly Letter 08.05.23Published 12/03/2023 Weekly Letter - 06.03.2023Published 10/03/2023 Parents newsletterPublished 07/03/2023 Weekly letter 27.02.2023Published 03/03/2023 Weekly Letter - 27.02.2023Published 03/03/2023 Letter to Year 10 Parents - DTP VaccinationsPublished 28/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 20.02.2023Published 24/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 06.02.2023Published 10/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 30.01.2023Published 03/02/2023 Strike Action LetterPublished 24/01/2023 Weekly Update 23/01/2023Published 23/01/2023 Weekly update 20.01.2023Published 20/01/2023 Weekly update 13.01.2023Published 13/01/2023 Weekly updatePublished 09/12/2022 Weekly Update 02/12/2022Published 02/12/2022 Weekly Update 25/11/22Published 25/11/2022 Weekly Update 18.11.2022Published 18/11/2022 Sixth Form Parents Evening LetterPublished 16/11/2022 Careers Event Y11Published 14/11/2022 Y8 Parents EveningPublished 31/10/2022 Weekly Update 17/10/2022Published 21/10/2022 Top Tips for Parents SPARX Maths HomeworkPublished 22/09/2022 Letter to ParentsPublished 13/09/2022 Reading LetterPublished 13/09/2022 Letter to All ParentsPublished 12/09/2022 School Dinner Price CostsPublished 05/09/2022 Re Welcome BackPublished 02/09/2022 Moving up letter - Year 9 to Year 10Published 25/07/2022 Moving up Letter - Year 12 - 13Published 25/07/2022 Letter to all Parents and CarersPublished 22/07/2022 Moving Up Letter Year 8 to 9Published 19/07/2022 Moving Up Year 7 to 8Published 19/07/2022 Letter to Parents and Carer'sPublished 23/06/2022 Year 11 Leaver LtrPublished 20/06/2022 Year 8 ImmunisationPublished 17/06/2022 Letter to Parents and Carer'sPublished 27/05/2022 Letter to Parents and CarersPublished 29/04/2022 Celebrate Individuality DayPublished 26/04/2022 Book Choice LetterPublished 31/03/2022 Letter to all parents/carersPublished 09/03/2022 Book Fair LetterPublished 09/03/2022 Letter to Year 10 and 9 Students Regarding VaccinationsPublished 08/03/2022 Y9 Pathway LetterPublished 08/03/2022 Kickboard LetterPublished 24/02/2022

January 2025


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Latest News

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    • Eid Mubarak!
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    • Ramadan Mubarak!
      We extend our warmest wishes to all of our pupils, parents, colleagues and our communities. (Whole School - 23/03/2023)
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    • We are raising money!
      Our trust is raising money this winter to help families in our school communities (Whole School - 05/12/2022)

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