Online Letters

13th January 2023

Weekly update 13.01.2023

WC: 13/01/23

Dear Parents/Carers,

At NUSA this week:

It has been wonderful to welcome all of the children back to school this week and we have been incredibly proud of how quickly they have settled back in to the routine of day to day school life.  

We have made an update to our ‘late to lessons’ procedure. Where a student has 4 lates to lesson in a week, they will be expected to sit a 3 hour detention on a Tuesday from 3-6pm. Students should not arrive late to any lesson without a valid excuse.

Year 11 have all been sent home today with the photo proofs that were taken on Tuesday. Details for how to purchase the photographs can be found on the packet.

We spoke with all students in our normal reset assembly on the first day back about road safety. A small number of students have not been sensible when crossing the road to and from school as they have been too busy staring at their mobile phone screens. Can you please remind your child to be sensible when crossing the road as we do not want any accidents.

Coming up at NUSA:

We will be holding reading assessments for all students over the next two weeks. We will then inform you of your child’s reading age.

Over the next few weeks, some Year 11 students have been invited for interview at NUSA 6th Form. They should be checking their email inbox for notification of their interview times and dates.

Year 11 Parents Evening is on Thursday 26th January

Y11 Mocks – Two weeks for weeks commencing Monday 20th and Monday 27th February

Reports for all students sent home to parents – Tuesday 21st February

World Book Day – Thursday 2nd March

SEND drop ins – Wednesday 9th March and Wednesday 19th April

Year 11’s last day is on Thursday 22nd June

Year 11 Prom is on Friday 30th June

Safeguarding corner:

Over the holidays, there were many news articles released about Andrew Tate. I have included some information below about Andrew Tate which give guidance on how to discuss this issue with your child should you need it.

At NUSA, we are incredibly lucky to have such a diverse community and always strive to ensure everyone is treated equally. We are not willing to jeopardise this. Therefore, we are not tolerant of incidents which involve students expressing views which are deemed to be ‘extreme’ and would take appropriate action to sanction and educate the children involved.

Have a lovely weekend,

Emma Howard

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06.03.2023Published 10/03/2023 Parents newsletterPublished 07/03/2023 Weekly letter 27.02.2023Published 03/03/2023 Weekly Letter - 27.02.2023Published 03/03/2023 Letter to Year 10 Parents - DTP VaccinationsPublished 28/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 20.02.2023Published 24/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 06.02.2023Published 10/02/2023 Weekly Letter - 30.01.2023Published 03/02/2023 Strike Action LetterPublished 24/01/2023 Weekly Update 23/01/2023Published 23/01/2023 Weekly update 20.01.2023Published 20/01/2023 Weekly update 13.01.2023Published 13/01/2023 Weekly updatePublished 09/12/2022 Weekly Update 02/12/2022Published 02/12/2022 Weekly Update 25/11/22Published 25/11/2022 Weekly Update 18.11.2022Published 18/11/2022 Sixth Form Parents Evening LetterPublished 16/11/2022 Careers Event Y11Published 14/11/2022 Y8 Parents EveningPublished 31/10/2022 Weekly Update 17/10/2022Published 21/10/2022 Top Tips for Parents SPARX Maths HomeworkPublished 22/09/2022 Letter to ParentsPublished 13/09/2022 Reading LetterPublished 13/09/2022 Letter to All ParentsPublished 12/09/2022 School Dinner Price CostsPublished 05/09/2022 Re Welcome BackPublished 02/09/2022 Moving up letter - Year 9 to Year 10Published 25/07/2022 Moving up Letter - Year 12 - 13Published 25/07/2022 Letter to all Parents and CarersPublished 22/07/2022 Moving Up Letter Year 8 to 9Published 19/07/2022 Moving Up Year 7 to 8Published 19/07/2022 Letter to Parents and Carer'sPublished 23/06/2022 Year 11 Leaver LtrPublished 20/06/2022 Year 8 ImmunisationPublished 17/06/2022 Letter to Parents and Carer'sPublished 27/05/2022 Letter to Parents and CarersPublished 29/04/2022 Celebrate Individuality DayPublished 26/04/2022 Book Choice LetterPublished 31/03/2022 Letter to all parents/carersPublished 09/03/2022 Book Fair LetterPublished 09/03/2022 Letter to Year 10 and 9 Students Regarding VaccinationsPublished 08/03/2022 Y9 Pathway LetterPublished 08/03/2022 Kickboard LetterPublished 24/02/2022

January 2025


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