Pastoral Care
At NUSA, we pride ourselves on the quality of support, care and guidance given to individual pupils. We operate a year system which is led by a Head of Year and supported by a group of Pastoral Support Managers who work alongside all year groups.
Our pastoral team is also made up of our attendance and safeguarding team who work together to ensure that pupils receive as much support as is needed to enable them to be successful in school.
Our pastoral system provides your child with the care they need whilst allowing them to nurture friendships and develop a strong sense of community.
As your child progresses through NUSA, their attainment and well-being will be closely monitored, ensuring that students are recognised and rewarded when they succeed and supported when things are more challenging.
Mentors play an active role in ensuring that students are happy, well supported and fully engaged in school life. Mentors also serve as the first point of contact between school and home. You will receive regular updates about your child's progress through termly reports, online data and a Parents' Evening.
NUSA is a very caring community and the health, happiness and well-being of students underpins our overall ethos and philosophy.