Talk to Us

Are you worried about something and want to report or discuss it?

Use the form below to tell the pastoral team at NUSA know about your concerns, it will send an email to them. They won't know who the email is from, unless you provide your name. If you do want us to contact you to provide help and support then you will need to give your name. But you can use the form to report anything anonymously.

Your worries or concerns may be about anything; yourself or someone else. It might be related to bullying, health, safety, crime, cyber-bullying or anything which worries you and it doesn't have to relate directly to school.

You can also speak directly to a member of staff at school if you feel comfortable to do so. However, using this messaging service allows you to do so from home and in a way that no one needs to know you have reported a problem or worry. All messages will be dealt with in the same way that we would if you told us about a problem in school. Staff will handle it with sensitivity and may need to refer any issues which are of real concern about someone's safety.

It is really important to tell someone about any worries or concerns that you have and we are here to help!

September 2024


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Latest News

    • Coronation of King Charles III
      Celebration of the King's Coronation (Whole School - 02/05/2023)
    • Eid Mubarak!
      Happy Eid al-Fitr 2023 (Whole School - 21/04/2023)
    • Ramadan Mubarak!
      We extend our warmest wishes to all of our pupils, parents, colleagues and our communities. (Whole School - 23/03/2023)
    • NUSA in Parliament
      NUSA praised in Parliament, in the lead up to Holocaust Memorial Day (Whole School - 30/01/2023)
    • We are raising money!
      Our trust is raising money this winter to help families in our school communities (Whole School - 05/12/2022)

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