Online Letters
13th December 2024
Year 11 Countdown
Friday 13th December 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
Today Y11 received their January mock timetable as well as a calendar of their last 14 weeks at school before their exams begin. These are available for you to view on the school website.
Please support your child with their revision and preparation for their mock exams, and the real ones, over the break.
To aid in planning their revision we have also provided them with a revision timetable, often students find it difficult to know what to do when, so we have given a suggestion of how they could break up their time as well.
Some useful revision websites are:
BBC Bitesize - has study materials, advice on exam technique and managing exam stress
Sparx maths – all GCSE maths content and how to videos
Tassomai – English, science, geography, history, Spanish and computer science revision tool
Seneca learning – contains revision material for all subjects
Revision world on YouTube – offers advice and guidance on different revision techniques
Good study habits:
Remove devices and other distractions
Plan what to revise each day
Break revision down into chunks of 25 minutes with a 5-minute break before starting again
Include small rewards for completing chunks of revision (5 minutes of device time, snacks, etc)
Don’t revise for more than 2 hours without a longer break
If you need any additional support or guidance please get in touch.
Kind regards
Francesca Huskisson-Moore
Assistant Headteacher
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