Online Letters
2nd February 2024
Weekly Letter 29.01.24
W/C 29th January 2024
This Week at NUSA
What a great half term it’s been so far – it’s been simultaneously the fastest and slowest January with lots going on but the weather feeling like it’ll never be warm ever again! We’re now at a point of there only being one more week until half term, though, already!
Some of our Sixth Form Business students have planned a Valentine’s event for Wednesday 7th February. As part of this staff and students will be given the opportunity to attend in non-uniform, ideally wearing item(s) of red or pink – we’d love students to get involved and bring £1 donation which will be collected and given to charity. In addition, students are excited to also raise some money with a Valentine’s Day Bake Sale on the same day. Items will range from 50p - £2. As always, these days create memories for our community and expect this to be another #AmazingNUSA event! Thank you.
SEND Drop ins
We offer a number of ‘SEND drop ins’ throughout the year for parents/carers. These are open to any parent/carer who may want to discuss their child’s SEND needs further or parents/carers who have concerns that their children may have SEND needs that are yet to be diagnosed. If you wish to book an appointment in one of the slots below, please contact reception.
Wednesday SEND Drop in dates:
Coming up at NUSA
07/02/2024 - Valentine Bake Sale
09/02/2024 - Last Day of Term (3pm finish)
Free Parent Webinar: Making Technology the Ally (& Not the Enemy)
Elevate Education will be hosting their next parent webinar on technology and focus on February 6th.
Elevate works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you’ll learn how you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.
You can sign up for the session below to learn how you can turn technology from a distraction into an incentive to study:
How You Can Make Technology an Ally (& Not the Enemy!)
Tuesday 6th February 6:00-7:00pm (GMT)
Have a good weekend when it comes!
Matt Turton
Latest News
- Coronation of King Charles III
Celebration of the King's Coronation (Whole School - 02/05/2023) - Eid Mubarak!
Happy Eid al-Fitr 2023 (Whole School - 21/04/2023) - Ramadan Mubarak!
We extend our warmest wishes to all of our pupils, parents, colleagues and our communities. (Whole School - 23/03/2023) - NUSA in Parliament
NUSA praised in Parliament, in the lead up to Holocaust Memorial Day (Whole School - 30/01/2023) - We are raising money!
Our trust is raising money this winter to help families in our school communities (Whole School - 05/12/2022)