Attitude to Learning

Our wonderful Post-16s. Now, more than ever, you have a chance to demonstrate how awesome we can all be during this time! You're preparing for work or University and you can do your part to help your community.

At NUSA, we want you to become the very best version of yourself. We want each of you to have the best Attitude To Learning score. These range from 1. 'Outstanding' to 4. 'Inadequate'. We would like you do look at the scores below and complete the task with your families.

Click on the link below, set yourself targets and talk to your families about it- you now have the time to! How are you going to improve? By changing your attitude.

Parent and Pupil Attitude To Learning Task! Share and Discuss!

There are 4 strands of Attitude To Learning. These are:

1.Willing to learn




These four strands are very important, not just for your education, but developing you into the best possible version of yourselves. For each section, I have added the PowerPoint that we did in Tutor Time. During the last few weeks, we delivered; 1. Willing to Learn and 3. Self-Motivated.

Attitude To Learning: Willing to learn TutorTime session

Attitude To Learning: Self-motivated TutorTime session

This week, we are working on being 2. Resilient. Present this to your household! Create your own stage. This is the time to be confident and this is the time to develop your presentation skills. Alternatively, video call your friends and present; you'll have the audience! Email me at or your tutors and send us a picture of you presenting and we'll put on points for you!

Attitude To Learning: Resilient

You've got this! Do it with passion, or not at all.

We have also created activities for you to do at home, with your families. There are lots of challenges in here, just click the link. Email Miss Malhi at and your tutors to send in your responses for Green Flags (yes we still want lots of points!). You can still show how you are willing to learn, are self-motivated, resilient and determined. You can do this!

Have a look below and show what you can do.

Showing a good Attitude To Learning: Activities at home


Post 16