Web Links
Use the links below to visit our favourite sites. Use the link in the 'Related Downloads' panel to view or download a PDF version of this list which you can then either save or print out for future reference.
Spanish revision
Linguascope | http://www.linguascope.com |
Spanish resources
Teaching & Learning resources | http://www.realspanish.net |
Audio-visual resources
Class clips | http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone/clips/ |
Hola Spanish magazine
Authentic reading resources | http://www.hola.com |
Creating speaking avatars
Vokis | http://www.voki.com |
Online vocabulary learning
Vocabulary online learning | http://www.vocabexpress.com |
Online dictionary
Online dictionary | http://www.lingro.com |
Cue prompter for speaking skills
Practise reading & speaking skills | http://www.cueprompter.com |
Spanish vocabulary revision
vocabulary revision | http://aprender.org.uk |
BBC Bitesize Languages
GCSE Spanish Revision
BBC Bitesize revision | http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/11... |
Revision World Spanish | http://www.revisionworld.com/gcse-revisi... |
Spanish Revision | http://www.spanishrevision.co.uk/gcse/gc... |
Ole! Revision Skills | http://oye.languageskills.co.uk/intermed... |
Languages Online | http://www.languagesonline.org.uk/Hotpot... |
O2 Learn Spanish | https://www.o2learn.co.uk/o2_video-chann... |
Spanish News
- PAST NEWS - Comenius project finalised and approved.
Well done to all who have participated in our Comenius programme! (10/11/2013)