Welcome to NUSA

Nottingham University Samworth Academy provides a caring community for students to grow, learn and achieve together, both academically and as young people.

Every child has the ability to succeed and it is our aim to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential both in and out of the classroom.

NUSA is a member of the Nova Education Trust, and we work closely with our partner academies to ensure our pupils benefit from the experiences and expertise from across our trust. NUSA also benefits from the continued support of its founding members, the University of Nottingham and the Samworth Trust.

We are proud of our school and invite you to join our future success.

“Every child deserves the opportunity to access a high quality education. Our aim at NUSA is very simple and that is to be recognised as outstanding in every aspect. The determination of staff and governors to achieve this goal is very strong and is based on our core belief that every child can succeed.

At NUSA, all of our staff show genuine care for every student in their charge. Strong, supporting and trusting relationships are a real strength of the school. We ensure that the welfare of each student is catered for. We encourage our students to take pride in themselves, the school and their community. We believe that all members of the school should behave well and have respect for each other. We want our students to become the leaders and achievers of the future and want to provide them with every opportunity possible to allow them to go on to succeed in their chosen career area. We expect our students to attend school regularly, on time, in uniform and with the right equipment, ready to learn and engage with the opportunities that we provide for them.

Our website is designed to provide all of the information that current students and their parents need whilst also giving a strong flavour of the school to prospective new students and their parents. We hold an Open Evening each September for children currently in Years 5 and 6.

However, we are always happy to welcome visitors during the school day throughout the year who want to have a look at the school. If you would like to arrange a visit, I, or one of my senior colleagues, would be delighted to show you round.

We hope that our website provides you with all of the information that you require, but if it doesn’t, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact details on our website.”

Leah MillerActing Head Teacher

House Points


130 house points


90 house points


50 house points

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