Welcome to NUSA

Year 6 Transition Portal 2024

Welcome to our Transition 2024 portal.

Here you'll find lots of important information to ease the transition to NUSA over the coming months

There are also some very important forms to complete. If you are unable to complete these forms in one sitting, then click the 'Save Forms' button at any time. This will save all the information you have already entered and send you a unique code via e-mail to be able to access it at a later date.

Your forms will be saved for 7 days from the time that you save them.

Need help completing the forms? No problem! Please just let us know via e-mail at transition@nusa.org.uk and we'll be in touch.

At NUSA, all of our staff show genuine care for every student in their charge. Strong, supporting and trusting relationships are a real strength of the school. We ensure that the welfare of each student is catered for. We encourage our students to take pride in themselves, the school and their community. We believe that all members of the school should behave well and have respect for each other. We want our students to become the leaders and achievers of the future and want to provide them with every opportunity possible to allow them to go on to succeed in their chosen career area. We expect our students to attend school regularly, on time, in uniform and with the right equipment, ready to learn and engage with the opportunities that we provide for them.

Mr Turton
Head Teacher

Mr Turton
Head Teacher
Miss A Bullard
Transition Lead
Miss L Taylor
Transition Lead
Miss Hemm
Moira Willerton
Safeguarding and Family Support Lead


Our website is full of useful information for parents and pupils. Here are a few links to some of the most important for new Year 7s.

Uniform fitting and sizing will be completed during your child’s transition days at NUSA.

Those that are eligible for Free school meals, NUSA will order the uniform Bundle for you and it will be delivered into NUSA for collection. If you are uncertain if your child is eligible for Free school meals please contact your primary school.

Those that are not eligible for Free school meals, your child will return home with an order form with your child’s sizes on it. Parents should then order their child’s uniform via the Just Schoolwear website:


Q: How does school communicate with parents?
A: Much communication with parents is done via the telephone and email. It is therefore very important that we have your accurate telephone number and email address. You will be sent our weekly newsletters, emails and letters electronically. There are opportunities for you to visit school for parents' evenings, SEND Meetings and pre-arranged staff meetings.

Q: How do I set up a ParentPay account (cashless payment system) for my child to purchase food at break and lunch?
A: On the first day of your child starting at our academy, your child’s fingerprint will be registered (if you have consented on the form below, which is part of the application process).  Your child will then bring a letter of registration home with details of how to add money to your child’s account.

Q: My child is eligible for a Free School Meal (FSM)- how will the school canteen know?
A: Our Catering Manager has a list of all students eligible for a FSM and loads the cashless system with their daily allowance which is available to students ready for the start of lunch. They will put their finger on the scanner the same as all children to purchase their lunch.

Q: How do I buy uniform for my child?
A: Uniform can be purchased online from JustSchool Wear We also have a comprehensive section on the school website outlining our uniform policy.  Please join us for our Year 7 welcome evening where we will outline expectations & there will be an opportunity to size up for uniform during the students transition day. 

Q: What does my child need to bring to school on their first day?
A: Students must ensure that they bring the right equipment. As a minimum, this should be:

  • black pen
  • green pen
  • rubber
  • ruler
  • pencil
  • suitably sized school bag

Q: What date does my child start school?
A: Tuesday 3rd September 2024 is the first day for Year 7 students. 

Q: My child is worried about getting a detention, what is the behaviour policy?
A: NUSA has a clear behaviour policy which your child will learn within the first week of starting our academy.  We aim to ensure that:

  • Positive behaviour is rewarded
  • Inappropriate behaviour is dealt with fairly, consistently and with dignity

Q: My child is worried they will get lost trying to find their classroom- how will they know where to go?
A: During the first week of your child starting at NUSA they will have lots of opportunities to practice finding their way around school and get used to life at NUSA . This means they will be given all the information they need to know what is expected of them and how to navigate around the academy. Everyone is very friendly at NUSA both teachers and other students will help to direct any students not sure of where to go!

Q: My child is interested in attending Summer School, how do I apply? 
A: At the NUSA Journey Night, you will need to bring £5.00 to secure your child's place.

These forms are used to collect information regarding your child and their transition to NUSA and will only be used for this purpose. We need the information collected here to enable us to manage this process effectively. The information is for internal use only and will be stored on our internal servers. This information will be kept in line with our data retention policy.

We will only use your contact details to share information with you that is relevant to this process.

If you have any concerns please contact us before you proceed.

Student's Details

Only if different from legal name given above.

Only if different from legal name given above.

Enter "Unknown" if not known.

Student's Home Information
Parental Information (First contact)

The first contact detailed above will be used for communication regarding student information (reports, letters etc.) and school information (newsletters, school closures etc.).

Please indicate below whether the first contact would like to receive the communications described below:

Please indicate below whether you are happy for us to share the first contact e-mail address with Sparx Learning.

Sparx Learning is the online platform that all students use to complete their Independent Study Tasks. Each week students receive points for their achievements and parents/carers are notified by email of their child's progress. You can click here to view the Sparx privacy policy.

Parental Information (Second contact)

Please make sure that the second contact detailed below has given you consent to share their information.

Please indicate below whether the second contact would like to receive the communications described below:

Additional Emergency Contacts

Please provide details of up to four additional contacts for use in emergency situations where the first two contacts are unavailable. Please make sure the person(s) detailed below have given you consent to share their information.

Emergency Contact 1
Emergency Contact 2
Emergency Contact 3
Emergency Contact 4
Student's Family Links
Student's Educational History

Please select from the list of feeder primaries below or enter the details manually.

Student's Ethnic/Cultural Information

This information is not mandatory. If you would prefer not to share any of the information requested below, then please tick the REFUSED box(es).

Student's Travel Arrangements
Student's Lunch Arrangements

Doctor's Details
Student's Medical Information

Please note: Although we have the facility to store general medication (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofen etc.), we are unable to administer any medication to students.

We do recommend that with any medication taken on a regular basis, a spare supply is given to the school for use in case of emergencies (e.g. inhaler, EpiPen, migraine treatment etc.) Your child will be responsible for administering this medicine themselves.

Student's Dietary Requirements

This form will be kept on file and used for all activities organised by the school in the upcoming academic year.

I agree to the information I am providing below being used for the purpose of school activities / trips that are organised by NUSA. I agree to inform the school immediately if any of the medical or contact information changes. I acknowledge the need for obedient and responsible behaviour on his / her part and I understand that there is some level of risk in every activity but that this will be managed to minimise the risks involved. I understand the extent and limitations of the insurance cover provided. I understand that as part of the planned transport arrangements, or in emergency, it may be necessary for pupils to be transported in staff vehicles.

For each medication, please give its name, dosage details, time of day/circumstances for it to be administered and the method of administration.

Medication must be delivered to the group leader before the visit. By selecting 'Yes', you confirm that you understand that the staff leading the visit are not qualified medical practitioners but that they will take reasonable care in the administration of the medication and will endeavour to respond appropriately should emergency treatment be required.