Creative iMedia

Exam Board: OCR

This is a level 2 course awarded at distinction*, distinction, merit and pass, level 1 distinction, level 1 merit and level 1 pass equivalent to grades G–A* in GCSE.

Cambridge Nationals in creative iMedia are media sector-focused, including film, television, web development, gaming and animation, and have IT at their heart.

The course consists of four units, two core and two optional.

Unit R081 is assessed externally through a written examination and is worth 25% of the final grade. In this unit students look at the techniques used in pre- production.

On completion of this unit, learners will understand the purpose and uses of a range of preproduction techniques. They will be able to plan pre-production of a creative digital media product to a client brief, and will understand how to review pre- production documents.

The second core unit is R082 the development of digital graphics. On completion of this unit, learners will understand the purpose and properties of digital graphics, and know where and how they are used. They will be able to plan the creation of digital graphics, create new digital graphics using a range of editing techniques and review a completed graphic against a specific brief.

Two further practical units follow covering development of a multimedia product and digital sound.


R081: Core unit – externally assessed exam (25%).

R082: Core unit – internally assessed coursework (25%).

Two more option units – internally assessed coursework (25% each).